Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Deshy Test Lowdown

Thanks to those who are helping with the scoreboard during the Bangladesh Test Match.

Here is the roster for the five days. If you are not going to be able to make the times you are rostered, you MUST let Mark Donnelly 027 66 44 674 or Reg Prasad 0210555646 know.

The run down is as follows:
Sunday - we need people to help with set-up in the afternoon. 4-7 (or sooner if we are quick.) Please let me know if you can help.
Monday - Friday. Please be at the groundkeepers entrance at 10:30. The game starts each day at Midday and goes through to 6pm.

Reg is in charge so look for him.

Bring something warm and dry because if it rains then it can be quite miserable!

Apart for that - let's have a good one, cheers.



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